About Derek Vinyard

The South will rise again!!!

The Rebellion of Britney Spears

Britney Spears Head Shaved

Britney Spears likes smoking cigarettes and drinking red bull. Then her doctors wonder why she is bipolar. Britney is more than bipolar though, she’s been horribly raped by Illuminati Disney Jews all her life. She’s even been raped by her own father who later took control of her entire estate. In 1999, when Hit me Baby was released, she was the guest of honor at Rothschild’s annual orgy. These days it is common knowledge that Britney is a multiple personality sex slave.

Poor Britney. She’s a good old rebel that’s just what she is and for this Jewish media circus she don’t give a damn. She wore the Zionist 666 star when she had her famous head shaving incident. She was letting the viewers know who her tormentors are; pedophiles like Disney CEO Michael Eisner and his Freemason friends.

@britneyspears If Fishman doesn’t cure your MPD I’m gonna take his kike face and make it part of the pavement. Keep rebelling Britney.