Med Beds – Fix You


“Med beds,” short for “medical beds,” are a concept often mentioned in the context of advanced medical technology, futuristic healthcare, or science fiction. They are imagined as highly advanced medical devices that can diagnose, treat, and heal a variety of ailments, often with little to no invasive procedures. Here are a few contexts in which “med beds” are discussed:

  1. Science Fiction: In many sci-fi stories and movies, med beds are portrayed as futuristic devices capable of instantaneously diagnosing and curing illnesses, repairing injuries, and even regenerating lost limbs. They often utilize advanced technologies like nanotechnology, lasers, and artificial intelligence.
  2. Conspiracy Theories and New Age Beliefs: Some conspiracy theories and new age beliefs propose the existence of highly advanced medical technologies, including med beds, that can heal nearly any condition. These claims are often not supported by mainstream science or medicine and should be viewed critically.
  3. Hospital Equipment: In a more grounded sense, “med beds” can refer to the specialized beds used in hospitals and medical facilities. These beds are designed with various features to aid in patient care, such as adjustable height, head and foot positions, and sometimes built-in monitors or medical equipment.
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Star Wars: the Ghostly Terror


What do the Jedi believe in?

Jedi — the real-world religion — comes with its own set of tenets and principles, a combination of Zen Buddhism, Taoism and samurai culture. There’s no god to worship, but primary faith is put in the Force, the power that binds all living things on Earth.

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Star Wars: Higher Ground


Hayden Christensen was born on April 19, 1981, in Vancouver, British Columbia. 

ObiWan Kenobi: It’s over Anakin, I have the high ground. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader: You over estimate my power. … ObiWan Kenobi: YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them, bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness.


Ewen Mcgregor is Scottish. IF IT’S NOT SCOTTISH IT’S CRAP!!!

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Jackie O

Natalie Portman gives the performance of her life in biopic Jackie, which focuses on the immediate aftermath of the assassination of JFK. Jackie emerges as a powerful champion for her late husband’s legacy, while struck down by her own grief. 


The Kennedy and Onassis families are both from Illuminati bloodlines according to Fritz Springmeier.

Daniel 2:43

This mixture of iron and clay also shows that these kingdoms will try to strengthen themselves by forming alliances with each other through intermarriage. But they will not hold together, just as iron and clay do not mix.

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