Martial Law

Joe Glmore Part 1
Joe Gilmore Part 2

Joe Gilmore, alias Marshal Law, was a former super-soldier with a deep-seated hatred of superheroes (including himself) who was appointed as the …

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0 thoughts on “Martial Law

  1. Which superhero do you hate the most Mr. Gilmore?

    Who annoys you the most with their shitty acting?

    I think Joe loves me. Why else would he make me a music video tribute?

  2. I’m counting on you and Hayden Christensen to save our city by cycling, riding the bus and taking the train to the movie studio.

    DO IT! Or i will make Portman kick Chris Hemsworth in his midgard serpent so hard he will never have kids again.

  3. Yes. EXACTLY!!! Righto!!! Spot ON!!!

    Precisely! 100%! This is the greenest city in the world.

    Us superheroes need to team up and make a LAST STAND against revelation 16.

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