Diogo Morgado

My cousin Diogo is having a hard time finding more acting JOBS…

East Van Conclusion on 9/11 demolition:

Only the little people pay taxes.” A touching sentiment from the New York hotel tycoon widely dubbed the “Queen of Mean” — Leona Helmsley

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24 thoughts on “Diogo Morgado

  1. GINGER U STUPID greedy, lustful las vegas HO!!!

    u let Harry Potter play with fairies

    let him play “hide the wand” with Gandalf the Grey propaganda wizard

    harry hadn’t even gone through puberty yet, and u are creating gender CONFUSION

    only time u should use confusion on kids is with Arnold Brownshcvegger MUSCLE confusion

    PUMP U UP!!!

    u lack discipline ginger, u would do/say anything for a buck

    i gave u the WORLD ginger, the WORLD

    but the world is not enough

  2. These Bucks and Manga Cakes are starting a race war in America….same Recipe in Italy with the hordes of Boat Bucks….

    Let me share my Las Vegas restaurant recipe TOM CRUISE that damn drunken Irish MICK stole:

    Tom Cruise’s Linguine with

    Zesty Red Clam Sauce

    This is not your typical red clam sauce. You use freshly steamed clams here, served in their shells, in a light tomato sauce heady with garlic, that is peppery, too.

    Tomato Sauce

    1/2 cup olive oil
    1/4 cup cloves garlic, crushed*
    1/4 cup capers, undrained
    2 cups chopped parsley plus 1/2 cup additional for garnish
    2 cups chopped plum tomatoes
    3/4 cup fresh lemon juice
    3/4 cup dry white wine
    1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 heaping teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

    1 pound linguine

    30 littleneck clams, scrubbed
    1/4 cup chopped garlic
    1 cup dry white wine
    1 cup vegetable broth or water

    Tomato Sauce: Heat the oil in a large saucepan until hot. Add the garlic and capers, then carefully add the parsley. Stand back because the oil may spatter. Add the tomatoes, lemon juice, wine, pepper flakes, salt, and black pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes.
    Pasta: Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the linguine and cook according to the package directions until firm but tender. While the pasta is cooking, steam the clams.
    Clams: Place the clams in another large pot with the garlic, wine, and vegetable broth. Cover and bring to a boil over high heat, shaking the pot, until all the shells are open. Leaving the open clams in the pot, drain off all but 1/4 cup of the steaming liquid and stir it into the tomato sauce. Cover the clams and keep warm while preparing the rest of the dish.
    Drain the linguine and add to the tomato sauce. Cook over high heat for about 4 minutes to heat through.
    Divide the pasta among 6 heated bowls. Top each serving with 5 clams and garnish with the remaining parsley.
    Makes about 4 1/2 cups of sauce – Serves 6

    * To crush garlic, use the same technique you do to peel it. First separate the cloves from the head. Put the flat side of a knife down on one garlic clove at a time and with your other hand smack the knife right over the clove. This should split the garlic peel with one whack. If it doesn’t, try again. Remove the peels and use the cloves whole.

  3. U CAN’T SAY CLAM!!! u must never call us clams…or say we are KOOKS




    fuck U nicky, i ain’t scared of no greaseball like u

  4. STOP LOSING YOUR TEMPER hens (it is illegal in sweden to call children boys and girls) the new word is hen


    i have a word replacer plugin

    but you gotta tell me what words are VERBOTTEN


    gonna be alot of work to replace, buck, clam, fairy, etc, yadda yadda yadda

    but we can rewrite the new 1984 new world order dictionary

    — signed, the thought police

  5. Portugal gave African empire back with HUGE/YUGE population boom to the blacks…can’t say black/negro either now….negro = black in portuguese/latin languages…this far left thought police are going to far…i hate the dollar store, the bucks, the economic prison, the poverty industry

    Luis has “buck” blood, jew blood, amazon indian blood, maybe even east indian blood from what the porkchops conquered in the spice trade…but porks and croats/borats felt left out when we didn’t have any ethnic slurs….felt lonely without porkchop or borat/croat jokes..

    soros is paying these anti fa thought police

    they are PAID agent provacateurs of the left

    like salazar and pavelic were agent provacateurs of the right

  6. The more we take, the less we become
    The fortune of one man means less for some

    The world is on fire, it’s more than I can handle
    I’ll tap into the water, try to bring my share

    World On Fire


    THE interest on your VISA/Mastercard doesn’t exist…u r chasing a fritz helder phantom/a spoof

    a fugazi casino economy where only the insiders WIN

  7. 1991 was my first PSYOP tour in the Gulf….so how many tours was that…29 tours in the GULF….29 tours of duty

    everything is a rich man’s trick

    my platoon is living on the pavement…sleeping on the pavement

    and the PM wants to bring in more cheap labor immigrants

    build them a hotel next to the supermarket

    built them their own ATM

    make the economy GROW He says

  8. 2011 Luis joined the tour of the poorest hood in Canada

    9 tours of duty all for our COLORS….never ending gang war….i’m the original SLAV slave and lou has that one drop of black blood the KKK hates…living in little Africa of Canada…all the non manga cake, hipster europeans FLED…white flight

  9. Portuguese Templars have the Grail, the Ethiopians the ARK, americans the spear of longinus….two groups can clone CHRIST..Ethiopia has MOSES hair

    These Bonehead Knights of Eulogia start the BIG WARS…against the heathen, infidels they call MUSLIMS….big war Joe stopped…so don’t hate on his Borat/Croat Jew theories….appreciate that psalm 15 interest free loan he wants for the gentiles/goyimz

    mama mia

    merd, the pasta is overcooking



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