
Who gives a shit. There must be someone who gives a shit about these niggers on Rockefeller’s plantation.

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0 thoughts on “About

  1. Wow! What a great site you manage!
    I have the ultimate “conspiracy theory” which some may call the very “illumination” that so many Cult minions claim to be seeking within their fake “Light” towards their fake singularity.
    I was brought to your site through links in the description of https://www.youtube.com/c/PronStarKiIIuminati/about after I was shadow-banned again… trying to post an “illuminating” comment upon YouTube onto the post https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLEKGmCJkUQ … yes, youtube is another, sad, internet-ghetto site used to mislead and even deceive viewers.
    This brought me here to conspirazzi.com

    So, I gave a poop in 2002 when I began creating CDs like this uploaded site http://911cd2005.unaux.com/ which got the local thUg-network (within Canada) hunting me down for assassination… for 14 years, now, the thUgs have failed to assassinate my good-will and good-intentions for collective humanity. The thUgs or SS secret-society minions are on death row.

    I like how this site jokes around alot but their is a Creator-God and their is an ancient species upon Earth that does not belong here called Homo capensis… according to Karen Hudes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kN0-eC5DB1U and Brien Foerster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udwo8Kvvp6Y and also Seth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtZY_8Qw92k

    Now, The Seth-Books are your secret to illumination, but they are not secret. Study the three main books “Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul”, “The Nature of Personal Reality” and the “Unknown Reality” if you wish to “illuminate” beyond the Cult of thUgs and their ancient masters of “thUgtopia.”

    I have sites explaining this conspiracy at tob.ezyro.com antissss.ezyro.com and greatescape.ezyro.com

    What needs to be done is an effort to educate the spiritual morons called Freemasonry, Easter Stars, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Knights Templars, Knights of Malta, Kights Hospitalier, Scientologists… the list goes on almost forever, but study William Cooper’s exposure here: https://www.remnantradio.org/Archives/articles/William%20Cooper/Mystery%20Babylon/audio/mystery%20babylon%2019.mp3

    Keep up your excellent work and you will save humanity from self-annihilation, I guarantee it.

    James Sidaway

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