
Who gives a shit. There must be someone who gives a shit about these niggers on Rockefeller’s plantation.

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0 thoughts on “About

  1. In the name of God (Allah)
    We are Muslim
    I am a descendant of Cyrus the Persian Iran
    We look forward to welcoming nothing Nmytrsym even death to go
    We are all ready to fight the enemies of Islam and Iran and the oppressed (the Palestinians)
    We are waiting for Imam Mahdi (AS) recruiting

  2. Damn, why must so many be SO ignorant???

    Look, jews do NOT = israelites and Israelites do NOT = jews…the jews were but ONE tribe of Israel…aka, the TRIBE of JUDAH…that’s just ONE tribe see? there were ELEVEN OTHER TRIBES…get it? So by singling out the “jews” as “special”…well, you completely miss the boat kiddo…do me a favor, read EZEKIEL 38 which talks about the TWO “houses” of Israel which make up ALL the12 tribes…the northern kingdom of Israel (the 10 northern tribes of Israel that went NORTH over the caucassus mountains and basically were known as ANGLO SAXSONS….a derivativeterm for for “Isaac’s sons” …get it? SAXsons = Isaac’s son…so these were Israelites ALSO…not “just’ the jews..

    So, then you have the remaining two SOUTHERN tribes , Judah, and Benjamin who DID return to the physical land of what is presently known as ISRAEL…in the very last days, God will return ALL the tribes , NOT JUST the “jews” (the tribe of Judah) to the land of Israel

    But my MAIN point is, you CANNOT single out the “jews” as “special”!!!!! because ALL of the tribes are “special”!!!…..and that means MOST of the Europe, Britain, US, New Zealand,Australia etc. etc. are true “ethnic “israelites”….but here’s the kicker….

    NO ONE is getting any special seal of approval from God UNLESS you become “born again” of God’s Holy Spirit….in other words, He gives “birth” to you via His Holy Spirit…and I’m not talking about an “illuminated” fake “born again” experience but a REAL “born from the loins of God” born of God’s Holy Spirit experience which is genuine and REAL….not pseudo bulls***t like the illuminati so called “enlightened ones have…nah, more like UNenlightened, they are…they are of the EARTH but God’s TRUE born again children are from above from HEAVEN…Lucy, like he always does, just tried to copy and plagirise the truth of God.

    Anyways…you want to be in God’s good graces?? Get ‘born from above” the REAL way….humble yourself, repent, turn away from your selfishness go thru Christ Jesus and REALLY secure your place in the heavenly kingdom and leave the loser luciferian earth dwellers behind who reject the truth of God for a LIE and worship the creature RATHER than the Creator who is to be forever praised! What LOSERS! Those luciferian ass worshippers!That’s what THEIR “L” stands for. LOSER..NOT chosen, not special but damned!!

    Unless of course they REALLY come into the TRUE light of Jesus Christ…then they will be accepted by God…but they gotta do it His way…He set the example, now ya gotta follow if you want His blessing..

    Eh, maybe SOME will “get” what I write because they have been “chosen” by the Spirit to have “eyes” ( not a single eye but “eyes” plural) to really SEE the Truth. Who is Jesus Christ, as He honestly and humbly told us.

  3. with the fast and transient look in history of humankind we find out that there are 2 groups of people
    which are always against and in war with each other

    Group 1 _ people who stand for – justice – freedom – Equality for ALL humanity – clarity – principle – ethics – DIGNITY
    and this group ALWAYS FIGHTING against
    slavery (new & old ) – fascism – tyranny -communism – anarchism – apartheid – imperialism – Zionism – dictatorship – arrogance …………….

    Group 2 _ blood thirsty – cruel – authoritarian -SALACIOUS – SELFISH and tyranny ……………..

    we are naming some people in groups 1 & 2 . please help me by adding some famous name in history of your
    country and pass this letter to others .

    Group 1 – all prophets like – ADAM – Noah – Abraham – Ishmael – SOLOMON – job – Isaac – Jacob – Lot – Joseph – Job – Jethro – Elijah –
    – Jonah – Zechariah – John – Aaron -Moses – David – Mary – Jesus – Muhammad

    and people like –

    01 – PHARAOH wife
    02- princess Diana
    2- Barabbas
    3 – William Wilberforce
    4 -John Lennon –
    5-Saint Telemachus –
    6- William Wallace –
    7- Geronimo –
    8- Robin hood –
    9- chief Joseph –
    10- Babak Khorramdin –
    11- Mohandas Gandhi
    12- Abraham Lincoln
    13 – John.f.Kennedy –
    14 – Salvador Allende
    15 – Martin Luther King
    16 – Malkom X –
    17- Ho Chi Minh
    18 – Che Guevara
    19 – Ahmad Shah Massoud
    20 – Muhammad Iqbal –
    21- Florence Nightingale
    22 – Khomaini
    23 – Emiliano Zapata
    24 – Pancho Villa
    25 – french & UK national resistance movement –
    26 – palestin resistance movement
    27 – Gamal Abdel Nasser
    28 – Rachel Corrie
    29 – Bobby Sands ( Irish Republican Army )
    30 – Simon Bolivar and ………………………………………

    millions of millions people who got killed for this cause. (independence or revolution or freedom or justice ).

    it is GOD willing that 99% or OPPRESSED people to INHERIT the EARTH .
    and the 1% or OPPRESSIVES are convict to fail . so we dont have to be worry just do our job waking up some more people .

    Group 2 – most of king & emperor in history like

    – nemrut
    – Lot’s wife (disambiguation)
    – nero
    – claudius caesar
    – Julius Caesar
    – king Herod –
    – king Edwards
    – Emperor Tiberius
    -genghis khan
    – Winston Churchill
    – Adolf Hitler
    – mussolini
    -bosh- and………………………………..

    Group 2 ……………………………………………..create a lot of wars not RELIGION .
    please note war is for MONEY or land or SELFISH or DOPEY or INSANITY or………………………………not RELIGION .

    england 400 yers war – english german war – english scotish war – native americans war(100 million indians killed USA HOLOCAUST ) -World War I & 2 –
    mexican war – korean – japanes (hiroshima atomic ) – vietnam – falk land island – philipine – El salvador – Cuban War -venezuela –
    colombia – chile – Argentina – Sudan – Grenada – Somalia – Nicaragua – Iraq -Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland – Palestinian -…..and……………………………………

    please help group 1 in your life time .

    I BELIEVE we should kiss our mom FOOT and our dads hands and be good to our sister and BROTHER & be good to
    our family like aunt , uncle , HUSBAND , wife , BABY , NEIGHBOUR , & all PEOPLE THESE are the most IMPORTANT
    THING in our life and not be CHEATed by POLITICIAN . & love all prophets and GOD that is all .

    ——————wars made by 1% in passed years ——–

    001 NATIVE INDIAN MILLION of them killed by USA army in 300 years ago.
    002 Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    1. WW1 (1917-1918)
    2. WW2 (1941-1945)
    3. Korea War (1950-1953)
    4. Vietnam War (1961-1975)
    5. Operation Urgent Fury-Grenada (1983)
    6. Operation Just Cause-Panama (1989)
    7. Operation Desert Storm-Iraq (January/February 1991)
    8. Operation Restore Hope-Somalia (1993)
    9. Operations in Europe-Kosovo/Bosnia (1995)
    10. Operation Enduring Freedom-Afghanistan (2001-present)
    11. Operation Iraqi Freedom-Iraq (2003-present)
    12. the 1999 bombing Serbia (Yugoslavia). NATO bombing!


    all news and PROPAGANDA is in USA ( 1% ) hands cnn bbc foxnews nbc cbs ……………..

    Friendly DICTATORS backed by USA (1%) in passed years

    These DICTATORS think people as a COCKROACH & MOSQUITO and they should be WIPE from the EARTH
    even THEIR own people .

    1 – Abacha, General Sani —————Nigeria
    2 – Amin, Idi ———-Uganda
    3 – Banzer, Colonel Hugo ————-Bolivia
    4 – Batista, Fulgencio ——-Cuba
    5 – Bolkiah, Sir Hassanal ———Brunei
    6 – Botha, P.W. ———South Africa
    7- Branco, General Humberto ———-Brazil
    8 – Cedras, Raoul ———–Haiti
    9 – Cerezo, Vinicio ————–Guatemala
    10 – Chiang Kai-Shek ——-Taiwan
    11- Cordova, Roberto Suazo ——-Honduras
    12 – Christiani, Alfredo ———El Salvador
    13 – Diem, Ngo Dihn —————-Vietnam
    14 – Doe, General Samuel —–Liberia
    15 -Duvalier, Francois ——————Haiti
    16 – Duvalier, Jean Claude——————Haiti
    17 – Fahd bin’Abdul-‘Aziz, King —–Saudi Arabia
    18 – Franco, General Francisco ——-Spain
    19 – Hitler, Adolf ——————Germany
    20- Hassan II———-Morocco
    21 – Marcos, Ferdinand ——–Philippines
    22 – Martinez, General Maximiliano Hernandez —El Salvador
    23 – Mobutu Sese Seko ———–Zaire
    24 – Noriega, General Manuel ——–Panama
    25 – Ozal, Turgut —————-Turkey
    26 – Pahlevi, Shah Mohammed Reza ——-Iran
    27 – Papadopoulos, George ———-Greece
    28 – Park Chung Hee ———-South Korea
    29 – Pinochet, General Augusto ———Chile
    30 – Pol Pot—————Cambodia
    31 – Rabuka, General Sitiveni —–Fiji
    32 -Montt, General Efrain Rios ——Guatemala
    33 – Salassie, Halie ———Ethiopia
    34 – Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira –Portugal
    35 -Somoza, Anastasio Jr. ——-Nicaragua
    36 – Somoza, Anastasio, Sr. —–Nicaragua
    37 – Smith, Ian ———-Rhodesia
    38 – Stroessner, Alfredo ——–Paraguay
    39 – Suharto, General ————-Indonesiatyranny
    40 – Trujillo, Rafael Leonidas ———Dominican Republic
    41 – Videla, General Jorge Rafael —–Argentina
    42 – Zia Ul-Haq, Mohammed ——–Pakistan
    43 – Zine El Abidine Ben Ali —– Tunisia


    SO LETS DO THE REAL THING THESE ARE ALL POLITIC I BELIEVE we should kiss our mom FOOT and our dads hands and
    be good to our sister and BROTHER & be good to
    our family like COUSIN , aunt , uncle , HUSBAND , wife , BABY , NEIGHBOUR , & all PEOPLE THESE are the most IMPORTANT
    THING in our life and not be CHEATed by POLITICIAN . & love all prophets and GOD that is all .


  4. Heeeey an idea!lets keep what we think in our mind and dont care what satan or islam or..says.u only have at least 70 years to live so use it.FUCK RELIGIONS it makes humas to fight to each other and u dont even think that we r BROTHERS AND SISTERS
    if u still wanna hate other religins then wait for the third world war-____-

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