
The “Stonecutters” is a fictional secret society from the animated television show “The Simpsons.” They are featured prominently in the episode “Homer the Great,” which is the 12th episode of the sixth season. Here are the key details:

Episode Summary: “Homer the Great”

  • Plot:
    • Homer’s Discovery: Homer Simpson learns that many of his friends and colleagues, including Lenny and Carl, are members of a secret society called the Stonecutters.
    • Joining the Stonecutters: Eager to join, Homer undergoes the initiation process, which includes various humorous and absurd rituals.
    • The Chosen One: During a Stonecutters’ meeting, it is discovered that Homer bears a birthmark shaped like the society’s sacred emblem, identifying him as “The Chosen One” according to their prophecy.
    • Homer’s Leadership: As the Chosen One, Homer is given special treatment and leadership over the Stonecutters. However, his incompetence and misuse of power lead to dissatisfaction among the members.
    • Formation of a New Society: Ultimately, the members form a new secret society, the “No Homers Club,” excluding Homer, while he returns to his normal life.

Stonecutters Society

  • Parody: The Stonecutters are a parody of real-life secret societies such as the Freemasons and other fraternal organizations.
  • Symbols and Rituals: The episode humorously depicts exaggerated symbols, rituals, and traditions, including a sacred parchment, robes, and secret handshakes.
  • Famous Members: The society includes various Springfield residents and even parodies the idea of famous historical figures being members.

Cultural References and Impact

  • Catchphrases and Songs: The episode is known for memorable catchphrases and the Stonecutters’ anthem, “We Do,” which humorously lists the society’s secret influences and actions.
  • Satire: The episode satirizes the concept of exclusivity and the allure of secret societies, poking fun at the idea that such groups hold hidden powers and influence.

Significance in “The Simpsons”

  • Fan Favorite: “Homer the Great” is considered one of the classic episodes of “The Simpsons,” beloved by fans for its humor, satire, and memorable moments.
  • Character Development: The episode showcases Homer’s perpetual desire for acceptance and status, as well as his inevitable return to his normal, less prestigious life.

In summary, the “Stonecutters” and the concept of “The Chosen One” in “The Simpsons” are part of a humorous and satirical take on secret societies, blending the show’s characteristic wit with cultural references and entertaining storytelling.

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